Kansas City, KS 66102


Neighborhood of Kansas City, KS

Places to Visit

Some of the most interesting and historical places to visit in Argentine are the Argentine Carnegie Library, Sauer Castle at 945 Shawnee Road, and the Argentine mural at 30th Street and Metropolitan Avenue.

Argentine is a neighborhood in Kansas City, KS, located in the southern part of Wyandotte County. If you want to learn more about this unique place, keep reading.

The “Silver District”

Argentine’s name comes from its prosperous silver smeltery. It was built on the site of a former Shawnee reservation. The district owes its economic success to the proximity of the railroad, local lumber sources, smeltery, and steel manufacturing.

The Education

Argentine has its own middle school – Argentine Middle School. The local high school, J. C. Harmon High School, opened in 1973 as a fusion of Argentine Senior High School and Rosedale Senior High School.

Argentine in Kansas City, KS map

Public Library

The biggest library in Argentine is the South Branch Library, with 21,000 square feet of space. The name indicates that the library serves the entire southern region of Kansas City and not just a single neighborhood.

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